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As a beginner, how should I learn English?


MarkeSD profile picture MarkeSDJuly 2024
Choose topics and materials that interest you. If you like music, listen to English songs and read lyrics. If you like sports, watch English-language sports broadcasts or read sports news.
SergiiPP profile picture SergiiPPJune 2024
Of course you do. In today’s world, knowledge of English is becoming increasingly important. It is not just a language for communicating with native speakers from other countries, but also a key to new opportunities in education, career and self-development.
quillWhisperer profile picture quillWhispererJune 2024
I suggest to use memrise or Duolingo as they are free and effective language learning apps.
  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgJune 2024
    As an English teacher with significant experience I would recommend NOT using Duolingo!

    Also, as a language learner, I can say that translation is NOT a good strategy. I can speak languages besides English to quite a proficient level. Translation between, say, German and English, does not happen when I’m speaking German for example.

    Learning by translation is one of the worst strategies out there. It might be OK for learning a few set expressions such as sentences required for basic travel needs. That’s it.

    Unfortunately, translation really gets in the way of fluency and accuracy - if you are really using a language, you are not translating in your head!

    The highest level you can get to using strategies like Duolingo is about B1/intermediate.

    I shouldn’t complain too much actually about Duolingo. Over time, I’ve made a lot of money from private students fixing mistakes and getting them to work in English without going back to their 1st language.

    If you are serious about learning English beyond a B1 level, then don’t use many of the learning apps out there - especially if they involve translation...