أعط أجوبة - English

صوّت الآنتم الإجـابة عليهسؤال لغوي بمعني (سؤال في اللغه المقصوده)
comment traduire ”un effet levier” en anglais

أعط أجوبة

AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgMarch 2023
J’ai trouve ”un effet de levier” a


I think from what I read that the best term would be ”financial leverage” or simply ”leverage”, something that financial investors such as hedge funds engage in.

I suspect that if the banking crisis in the US continues, you are going to see terms such as ”overleveraged” being written everywhere soon!
CryCryDandelions profile picture CryCryDandelionsApril 2023
Leverage u mean?