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Why do we say ”This is an honour for me” whereas hounor is an uncount noun.


AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgSeptember 2022
”honour” can be both a countable and uncountable noun. Honour could be an award or reward for service, bravery or a good deed - then a countable noun.

When honour is about the concept of ”self-respect”, then it is an uncountable noun.

  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgFebruary 2023
    The given privilege of the meeting in a sense is also a reward for being in the presence of this person. Still, you can add ”privilege” to the list of elements where ”honour” is used as a countable noun
Alexweiss profile picture AlexweissMay 2023
You are correct that ”honor” is typically an uncountable noun. However, in the phrase ”This is an honor for me,” the word ”honor” is being used as a countable noun.

In this context, ”honor” refers to a specific instance or act of being recognized or respected, which can be counted. So when someone says ”This is an honor for me,” they are referring to a particular occasion or event where they are being honored.

It’s worth noting that while ”honor” is typically uncountable, there are other contexts in which it can be used as a countable noun. For example, one might say ”He has received many honors over the course of his career,” referring to multiple instances of recognition or respect.