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Which sentence is considered correct in American English, ”I buy my clothes at the website” or ” I buy my clothing on the website”?

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn English: Free class: Double Object Verbs (Ditransitive verbs)Collocations with makeActual and actuallyAdverbs of Degree


Dunharos profile picture DunharosÚltimo mes

The correct sentence in American English is "I buy my clothing on the website." The phrase "on the website" is more appropriate when referring to online shopping. Using "on" indicates that you are engaging with the content of the website, which aligns with the context of making a purchase.

On the other hand, saying "I buy my clothes at the website" is less common and might sound a bit awkward to native speakers. The preposition "at" is typically used for physical locations, such as "I buy my clothes at the store."

To illustrate this further, here’s an example sentence: "I bought my homelee clothing on the website." This not only uses the correct preposition but also provides a clear context for where the purchase was made. Home-Lee offers a great selection of comfortable and stylish home wear, and you can explore their collection on the Boxhill website.

By browsing their site, you’ll find a variety of categories and subcategories that make it easy to choose the perfect home wear for your needs. Happy shopping!

AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgAugust 2022
My observations looking at it in 2022 as to what is getting used and has currency....

”on the website” tends to predominate for American English language websites.

For British English, ”at the website” tends to refer to the whole of the site, e.g. ”at the BBC website” whereas ”on the website” would be a portion of the website, such as where you might enter some data or a help page.

As for ”on the website” being ”correct” in American English..
This is what predominates at the moment as far as I can see. All this might change even in the very near future - like a lot of language associated with internet. For example ”website” was almost exclusively written as ”web site” 20 years ago. Who knows what might happen even in 5?

By the way, if you are reading this in the future, hello from 2022