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University years

Hi everyone!

I'm a Canadian student currently at university and I'd like to know how you call the various "steps" of college education in english. I frequently read about "sophomore", "freshman"... what are these? How does it work?



couchsmash profile picture couchsmashNovember 2013
Well in the United States, the first year of high school is Freshman year, or 9th grade. Then 10th grade is Sophomore Year, 11th grade is Junior Year, and 12th grade is Senior Year. When you go to college, you start over as a Freshman, but nobody has numbered grades (13th, etc.) anymore. In either case, the number of "credits" or completed classes you have matters more than time passed, so that some people are "super-seniors," meaning that they've had enough credits to be a senior for more than a year, but haven't gotten enough to graduate yet.