Hello, could you please explain why ”contact” is in plural form here?I’ve checked dictionary and realized it’s generall uncountable. Read the comment please .


  • Nikhilmadhusudan profile picture NikhilmadhusudanFebruary 2022
    ”contacts” is plural form because here it means social connections. For example, ”I added new contacts to my phone diary.” It means I updated my phone diary with new phone numbers. If I had written just one phone number, I would write, ”I added the new contact to my phone diary.” In this sense, it is a countable noun. The word ”contact” acts like a verb when it means to touch or to feel or to communicate with. For example, ”The two surfaces are in contact with each other.” or ”I tried to contact you.”
Razi7272 profile picture Razi7272February 2022
” Offering internships to young people is a great way to get experience and contacts, and so forth ....”
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgNovember 2023

In your statement ” Offering internships to young people is a great way to get experience and contacts, and so forth ....”:

The nouns "internships", "people" and "contacts" are in a plural form because they are countable nouns as used here and you are making a statement where each of these is a general concept or idea which is not initially defined.

"experience" is an uncountable noun. This is without an article and singular because it is also explaining a general idea or concept which is also not initially defined.

I don't know which dictionary you referred to. "Contact" can be both a countable and an uncountable noun depending on its meaning. It in general has a multitude of meanings. To say that "in general 'contact' is uncountable" sounds like nonsense to me.