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Hello,could you explain”designer diet?”Is our culture obsessed with dieting and being thin? Dr.Murphy examines the diet craze and the new ”designer” diets .”


AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgFebruary 2022
As mentioned previously, a ”designer diet” is a diet customised for a individual. This is a very recent collocation. Previously, customised diet plans for individuals were referred to as ”planned diets”. The only meaningful difference between a ”designer diet” and a ”planned diet” is paying 5 or 10 times as much for someone to create your diet plan

A lot of collocations which used to use ”planned” or ”designed” now use the ”designer” as an adjective. Using the noun ”designer” as an adjective somehow makes it sound like the work was done ”more personally” - justifying the extra and huge amounts money you pay for your ”designer jeans”, ”designer hairstyle”, ”designer home” and so on.

There’s another cunning linguistic trick with using the word ”designer” as an adjective - more than one person can be involved in the design/planning of the object or service because nouns turned into adjectives are almost always used in the singular form. If you are not paying close attention, it makes it sound like only one person has gone through all that effort just for you, something that marketeers want you to think to justify the inflated price you pay...
Nikhilmadhusudan profile picture NikhilmadhusudanFebruary 2022
It is a newly coined term. Therefore, you may not find it in a dictionary. I think it means diet programmes that are customized for particular individuals who want to reduce fat.