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Hİ! I want to learn English, my English is not good. Can you help me? By the way i can help you learn Turkish. My native is language Turkish


Justwondering profile picture JustwonderingNovember 2021
(Response from native English speaker-US)

Any specific questions?

Here’s some general advice:
There’s a site called ”language exchange” where you can find someone who will do what you’re asking. They also have live chatrooms.

I will say however that some people don’t come back consistantly because they give up on learning their second language.

I would not recommend that someone try to use websites as reading material. Read books, write, speak, or listen to English instead.

Many websites, even professional websites, have many many grammatical and spelling errors that I would find misleading if I were trying to learn English. Many sites written in Enlgish are also written by people who don’t speak English well (and aren’t native speakers) that’s even worse because you might not notice and you could pick up bad habits that English speakers won’t understand. (If you are picking up the bad habits of native speakers, at least they are mistakes that other native English speakers will be used it. They will still understand you.)

A lot of online communication is created on phones which are more likely to cause spelling errors than fix them.
So older sites and posts are more likely to be grammatically correct than more recent ones.