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What is college and what is university

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djfadlee profile picture djfadleeOctober 2013
The difference between a college and a university is that a college just offers a collection of degrees in one specific area while a university is a collection of colleges. When you go to a university you are going to be graduating from one of their colleges, such as the business college. As to which is better, it depends on what you want. Single colleges tend to be smaller while universities are bigger, but universities are better known. Sorry, I've got it from hope it can help you...
ajanababy profile picture ajanababyOctober 2013

hi friend,
my name is Aja.i speak english language and i will like to learn your own language too.reply back if you are willing to teach me through this email adress(ajanababyajanababy profile picture) i believe we can start from their to know each other.bye.....
(aja.justinyak01 (@) yahoo . (co) . (uk)