Stem nu!besvaretLanguage Question
Hello, could you tell me what’s the difference between ”at home” and ”in the home”. ”Where you keep thimgs at home.” ”Talk about items in the home.”


AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgJune 2021
”at home”, when used literally, talks about the being at the physical position where you live.

”in the home” - the emphasis here is on the activities, other actions and so on at the place which someone normally lives. The emphasis is not whether this is a flat, apartment, house and so on - but on this place being the residence of the person and the associated thing happening there.


”I’m at home most nights” = ”My physical position most nights is the place where I live”.

It doesn’t matter whether it is a flat or house - the important thing is my location - where I normally live.


”Many people celebrate Christmas in the home” = The activity of ”celebrating Christmas” is performed where many people normally live”.


”The police arrested a criminal in the home of Jim Smith.” = ”The police performed the activity of arresting a criminal where Jim Smith normally lives.” It’s not important that Jim Smith owns/rents a house or flat, but the arrest happened where Jim Smith lives usually.

So, ”Items in the home” is asking about the items you have at home that you use there / perform activities with.

”where you keep things at home” - the physical location of different things where you live.

1lyass profile picture 1lyassJune 2021
That would probably help in understanding both. I found this on the net. They express different things:

”at home” it more general and usual. E.g. ”I’m at home.”; ”I left my bag at home.”.

”in the home” means more of like inside the house. E.g. ”I left my keys in the home” (and you are locked out now; at home however would mean that you went somewhere and forgot them at home); ”Where have you been? We waited in the garden for like hours!” - ”I was in the home all the time.”.

I myself would almost always prefer ”inside the house / flat” to ”in the home”.
  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgJune 2021
    The person who posted that message you copy-pasted from doesn’t really understand what the phrase ”in the home” means in standard English.

    I sincerely hope that the writer was not a native speaker of English... Still, sometimes native speakers and particularly those who speak unusual dialects will write ”unusual” things.

    In general, I’ve also seen a lot of rubbish written by non-native speakers trying to promote themselves for whatever reasons as ”language experts” on language forums.

    it’s a very good idea not to just take the first item of a search on Google when you are looking for the meaning of something...
Manuelray profile picture ManuelrayJuly 2021
At home can be used when answering questions far from home, In the home can be used when answering questions near or surrounding of the home