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Mangiare dalla mano di qualcuno

Good morning everyone,

I'd like some help to translate in English an italian expression: "mangiare dalle mani di qualcuno".

A literal translation in English would be "to feed/eat from someone else's hands". The meaning in italian is "to be dependent on someone else for basic survival".


If it can help, an equivalent expression in French would be "manger des les mains de quelqu'un" and in Spanish "comer de las manos de alguien".

PS: Check out these free English learning resources: Learning lesson: Phrasal Verbs and their EquivalentComparison of AdjectivesUnited Kingdom TimelineUseful English Acronyms and Abbreviations


vincent profile picture vincentMay 2021
”manger dans la mains de quelqu’un” in French relates to the image of a wild beast that allows itself to be tamed by someone, and accepts to eat from their hand, losing all idea of natural instinct. The phrase shows this image of total surrender to someone, of being completely dependent on one person and no longer having free will.