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What books and HQs were the most influential and eye-opening for you?


vincent profile picture vincentApril 2021
”Rich dad, poor dad”: really eye-opening to me.
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgApril 2021
1984 by George Orwell.

From a language perspective, he describes why dumbing down language is such a bad and ultimately destructive idea.

More generally, he narrates why Sophistic ideas of ”alternative truth” destroy people and ultimately are not tenable.
Mona00Mostafa profile picture Mona00MostafaApril 2021
The Holy Quran: When I read it, I find in it the necessity to obey parents, respect others and treat them well, sympathize with the orphan, and help the poor. I find it necessary to forgive others. I find the importance of work, striving, and the development of self and society.

It is the book in which I find food for the mind and the heart.