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If I study a Business Administration Diploma. Is it right to say that I am a Business Administrator?

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exRanger profile picture exRangerDecember 2020
Your (potential) employer will provide you with a ”title”; past that, don’t refer to yourself as a ”Business Administrator”; rather, simply report that you’ve earned a certificate (diploma, degree, etc.) in ”Business Administration” and leave it @ that. Anyone w/ 25% of a brain will understand the meaning of the phrase. Anyone who does not is likely an entity you’d be (well) advised to avoid.
  • Tratimely95 profile picture Tratimely95December 2022
    Hey anyone wants to know about Business Administration Diploma. You can read each and every single detail about this Business Administration Diploma in this post. The writer of this post explained very well about this topic. I saw a link in between of this post. They said about this link that they teach you how you can do your homework in a better way.
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgDecember 2020
If I study *for* a Business Administration Diploma.

You can study a Business Administration Diploma - but you are probably admiring the artwork on the diploma’s paper or seeing if the document is a forgery

”It is right to say that I am a business administrator.”

No capitals for ”business administrator” - it’s a generic occupation. ”Business Administration Diploma”, from what I understand from the context, is the name of a specific degree and this is capitalised.
nmesomtoChukwu profile picture nmesomtoChukwuJanuary 2021

It is not necessary to say that you’re a ”Business Administrator." Really no native speakers will do that. You could always introduce yourself and add, ”... and I have a diploma in Business Administration.”

KarlaHolmes profile picture KarlaHolmesAugust 2022
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