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What does ’’be boo’d” means?

Recently, I see many people posted on their social media that 'they were boo'd by someone' and they were wearing Halloween costumes. 

What does that mean? 

---- In addition to that, if you find any mistakes, please fix them. Thanks!

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Xophe profile picture XopheNovember 2020

Maybe not a mistake, but another spelling: booed.
Regarding the meaning, the previous answer is probably correct, given the context you provide. However, be aware that the verb to boo can have a different acceptation:

gfarnab profile picture gfarnabOctober 2020

The exclamation ”boo!” is used to scare someone. It’s equivalent to 부 according to the Wiktionary, but I can’t vouch for the translation because I don’t know Korean. Consequently, ”to boo” means ”to try to startle or scare someone”, as a ghost would do if he met you and wanted you to be frightened. Maybe some images will help here: