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what difference between" at , in , on"


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TheSucidalCimmerian profile picture TheSucidalCimmerianJune 2020
At= expressing location or arrival in a place or position
"I will be at school"

In=expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded
"I am in the supermarket"

On= physically in contact with and supported by something
"There was a ball on the table"

There are more meanings for these three prepositions but the meaning listed above are the most used ones
  • Leplgt profile picture LeplgtJune 2020
    The real answer is this:
    At: when you are in a place.
    On: means on, but Also fof day « on monday... »
    In: means in, but also for month « in january... »
Jokrru profile picture JokrruJune 2020
There are 2 aspects: time and place

At - point of time - at lunch, at Christmas...
On - day - on my birthday, on Sunday, on the wedding day...
In - period of time - in winter, in two weeks, in the morning...

At - focus - point - at the bus stop, at a party, at the doctor's
In - inside a 'box' aspect of things - in a car, in a room, in a restaurant
on - surface - on a/the desk, on a/the shirt, on a/the celling