أعط أجوبة - English

100% GOOD (1 votes)تم الإجـابة عليهسؤال لغوي بمعني (سؤال في اللغه المقصوده)
Which verb is correct to use in sentences below? He was very embarrassed and his face went / turned red. Suddenly the sky went / turned very dark and it started to rain.

أعط أجوبة

nickcerneka profile picture nickcernekaMarch 2020
Just a feeling, but I like ...face went red... and ...sky turned very dark...Both are probably correct, but I don't like the sound of the sky went very dark. Personal preference I guess.
BlueSeth profile picture BlueSethMarch 2020
went is like informal, turn red looks like formal.
  • Phil926 profile picture Phil926March 2020
    either one could be used reasonably but "turned" is probably the better word to use for both. Or you could use the word "became" for either one, but "turned" is still probably better.