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Hi What is the difference between when and whenever? Thank you. and thank you for correcting my mistakes


rickycom profile picture rickycomJanuary 2020

"When" can mean"quand", "a quelle heure", "dans combien de temps", "quand/lorsque", "alors que"

-When did she leave? = A quelle heure/quand est-elle partie?

-When will the train arrive? = A quelle heure/quand va arriver le train?

-When it snows, traffic stops= Quand il niège, la circulation s'arrète.

-What are you doing here, when you are supposed to be at work= Que fais-tu ici, alors que tue es censé être au travail?

Whenever means "n'importe quand" "a tout moment" ou "chaque fois que" The suffix -ever is the equivalent of the french "n'importe" (whoever means "n'importe qui" ou "quiconque", whatever means "n'importe quelle chose" ou" "tous ce que".)

Some sentences with whenever could be:

Whenever I will look at the stars, I will think of you = Chaque fois que je regarderai les étoiles, je penserai a toi".

You can call me whenever you like, I will be available for you = "Tu peux m'appeler n'importe quand, Je serai disponible pour toi".

We can leave whenever we like= Nous pouvons partir quand nous voulons.