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Is it polite or not for asking somebody's job when you meet at first time in your culture?


macacacyclopis profile picture macacacyclopisDecember 2019

For Taiwanese, I suggest to have these way when you aim to know sb's job, that'll be polite for them(but you know, maybe most people don't feel bother to have your straight question): 1.In the case when you are in his/her family reuion, don't ask them in front of whole family, it's sounds like you want to compare about his/her job, the face's problem.What to do is ask others family members around you, they may tell you all. 2. If you are bussiness partner, just ask him/her straightly, but you can have some words within your question, which translate to English is like" What do you do for such a high acheivment right now? " . 3.You just meet on website(like here,ha) or on the road, don't even try to figure out the ones whole information, especially for girls and women, please have some patience for each to get to know, maybe it'll take one day at least. Till your relationship are getting closer, you can have your question start from "May I know your job/salary/family/ex-boyfriend/blahblah etc" for sure with confidence of not to break this relationship.

  • Dugarov profile picture DugarovDecember 2023
    Interesting! Thank you for sharing this knowledge! Having traveled to a few countries in Asia, I think it’s pretty similar for most Asian cultures.
Edlayna profile picture EdlaynaDecember 2019

In America that can be a tricky question to ask. They might question your motives for wanting to know and without a prior reference can be taken as a rude question. In situations like that I will often say " this is what I do for a living how about yourself? It will come across more conversational and less likely to be taken the wrong way.

vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2019

Good question! In France, many people ask that when they meet for the first time, although I personally do not like it ! Is it the same in Taiwan?