Vastake - English

100% GOOD (1 votes)VastatiKeeleline Küsimus
What is the difference between it's and its ?


Engineergeek profile picture EngineergeekNovember 2019
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Take care with contractions in writing. They are not good English! They are used in speech, texting and emails but not in formal letters or texts. In my view they should be avoided.
Vanilla_sky94 profile picture Vanilla_sky94November 2019
It's = 'it is' OR 'it has'
Its = possessive form of the pronoun it.
Jokrru profile picture JokrruNovember 2019

This is my dog. This is its bowl. - 'its' shows possession - 3 person singular, eg about animals - 'its' meaning: the dog's (whose?)

It's the bowl. - 'it's' is a contracted/short form of 'it is'

It's raining. - it is raining.