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What's the difference between "path", "track" and "way"?

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  • exRanger profile picture exRangerNovember 2019
    I agree w/ Kangaroo: These three words are small but quite complex in their variety of meanings.
alecoiba profile picture alecoibaNovember 2019
I will give you some examples here:

Where the train goes is a train track.
Where the race cars run it´s a race track.
In the forest you can see tracks of animals and people (footprints}
If you are walking in the woods/forest you can follow a path.
If you´re lost in the forest you might "find a way" to get out.
You can tell someone to "get out of the way"
You can buy a "one way" airplane/bus/train ticket
You can do things "your way"

There are many ways to use these words. I hope some of these help you understand the difference.
exRanger profile picture exRangerNovember 2019
re: Creation of "new page of “More tricky words in English” and every time something comes up, we just add it on?"

"WAY" to go, Kangaroo. Now let's "hop" to it!
