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What is the difference between -in-law and step-

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Ionelarahela profile picture IonelarahelaOctober 2019
Sister in law-If your brother /sister has a husband /wife , that person is your sister in law, for your parents it will be daughter in law.Relation created by accepting someone into the family through marriage. Step sister/brother means that you have just one parent in common ( same mother- different father, same father - different mother)- blood relation
  • jameslafferty profile picture jameslaffertyOctober 2019
    That's not really accurate. My step brother would be my mother's husband's son. My half brother would be my mother's son by a man other than my father. So "step" and "in-law" both refer to relationship by marriage, with "step" applied to children and "in-law" applied to adults.
Cynthiaw profile picture CynthiawNovember 2022
An in law is a relationship acquired by marriage. You become related by marrying a relative of theirs or if your sibling marries a relative of theirs. For instance the husband of your sister is your brother in law.

On the other hand, a step is a relationship acquired because of marriage. You become related when your parents marry each other. For example you have a daughter and the other person has a son. When you get married to each other your children become step siblings.