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What is correct? I can't afford to buy a Tesla. I can't allow myself to buy a Tesla.

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JacobRavn profile picture JacobRavnSeptember 2019
Both are correct, but it depends on what you want to communicate.

I can’t afford refers to a monetary situation, meaning that you don’t have the sufficient amount of capital to buy the car.

I can’t allow has something to do with permission or feelings. You can’t allow yourself to buy the car because of an opinion, you don’t like Elon Musk for example.
exRanger profile picture exRangerAugust 2019
First, best to start w/ the supposition "Which is correct?".

Past that, both of your statements are "grammatically" correct, but differ a great deal re: deep meaning.
Assane96 profile picture Assane96September 2019

Hello everybody my problem is I cannot join anybody of the group