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Can you say : I am asking myself ?

Is this sentense correct ?

I am asking myself what the future will be like 

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ScottS profile picture ScottSAugust 2019
Yes, it is correct. Like “I am wondering...”
exRanger profile picture exRangerAugust 2019
Perfectly fine to say (or think to oneself) "I am asking myself" or "I ask myself". Works equally well using the past tense of the verb "to ask".
mulor1977 profile picture mulor1977August 2019
While it may be grammatically correct to say that, I would recommend "I wonder..." because it is more proper. But if you somehow feel compelled to use "I am asking myself...", I think it would be better to get rid of the progressive form. So instead of "I am asking myself what the future will be like", it would sound better to say ( I ask myself what the future will be like)
Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiAugust 2019
It sounds more litteral from a french common wording(je me demande). I prefer "I wonder what what the future will be like"