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What is the difference between "must" and "have to"?

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  • Coupdessai profile picture CoupdessaiJanuary 2018
    As you can see from the examples given by others, the two expressions are often interchangeable, i.e. either could be used in many cases. "I must..." is perhaps a bit more emphatic than "I have to..."
hollowstranger profile picture hollowstrangerDecember 2012
Must: an obligation, a rule made by someone else (for example a law), have to: it is not as strong as "must", and it's rather your decision. Examples:
I must pay my bills. (or else they'll turn off the lights)
I have to exercise daily in order to stay healthy.
kunglin profile picture kunglinDecember 2012
must: u do yourself
have to: someone force you
is that right?
Malena_96 profile picture Malena_96December 2012
They can be interchanged, but "must" has a more urgent connotation.