86% GOOD (7 votes)AnsweredLanguage Question
Is "terrific" the opposite of "terrible"?


alecoiba profile picture alecoibaMay 2019

Terrific means great. "Are you coming to my party?" "Yes!" "Terrific!" (you can also say: That´s terrific). Terrible means bad or really bad. "Uncle Louie, broke his leg when he fell." "Oh, that´s terrible!"

  • Skrama profile picture SkramaApril 2020
    One can also say they went to a terribly good party. Or something can be awfully good too. It's a very British way of describing things.
  • Doval profile picture DovalMay 2019
    Terrific can mean very good (magnificent), very bad (frightening), or neutral (exceptional). Terrible generally has a negative connotation. So no, they are not opposites.
exRanger profile picture exRangerJune 2019
There exist a plethora of antonyms for the word "terrible", only one of which is "terrific". Other antonyms could be "wonderful", "delightful", etc. Similarly, antonyms of "terrific" include "awful" and even "horrible". It is intriguing, and likely a bit confusing for language learners, that the word "terrific" is derived from the same root term as the word "terror" ("terrible", "terrify"), which conveys nothing but negative conotations.
Tace profile picture TaceMay 2019
"Terrefic" is the opposite of "terrible."

Look up "antonyms of terrific" and you will find "terrible."