75% GOOD (4 votes)ענהשאלת שפה
What do you think is the hardest: to say a lot in a few words, or to say nothing in many words?

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nmesomtoChukwu profile picture nmesomtoChukwuApril 2019

Great question and very interesting too. Like the other answers, it's harder to say a lot in a few words.

All the same, it's impossible to say absolutely nothing in many words. This is because except all the words have the same meaning (and therefore can't be classified as many words), the speaker will not be saying absolutely nothing but nonsense. A master once told me that in every nonsense there is sense just like the word:


Although it's wordplay, he actually meant it and it's obviously true. enlightened

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2019

I think both are very hard ! Being able to say almost nothing during hours is an art politicians master 

Thomdwarf profile picture ThomdwarfApril 2019
To say a lot in a few words
Yasmien profile picture YasmienApril 2019
To say a lot in a few words
LittlePenguin profile picture LittlePenguinApril 2019
I guess it's harder to say a lot in a few words.