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How to find a friend for language exchange

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vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2019
I think the easiest is to write a small essay here : 
People will correct it and then ask them for a language exchange ​​​​​​​
Creativeken profile picture CreativekenApril 2019
The easiest way, that I have found, is to just keep trying. Eventually someone will reply to your message and you both can see if you both match and have fun practicing together. Be aware that everyone has lives and can get busy at times. This will lead to delays in replies and even to them dropping the conversation entirely. Don't get bogged down by this, just keep "fishing" and when you do find someone that you match with, value the friendship and the time you both get to spend together. Nothing is forever, so treat each moment spent by them as something valuable and they will hopefully respond in kind.
nmesomtoChukwu profile picture nmesomtoChukwuMarch 2019
In addition, I noticed a common mistake. Some people put the language(s) that they want to learn under 'Teaching language' and this hinders them from getting the attention of those that want to help in their target languages.