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What is the translation of word "story" related witb building height? My distionary doesn't known it.

For example, "The building is fourteen stories high." Maybe just "floor"?


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nmesomtoChukwu profile picture nmesomtoChukwuMarch 2019

Hi! Which dictionary is that? Well if you need the definition, check Merriam Webster:

wordsponge profile picture wordspongeMarch 2019
Each level of the building is considered a story. Sometimes they say a buiding has 20 stories. So it has 20 levels. Hope this helps. Message me if you need furthers assistance.
Hulunn profile picture HulunnMarch 2019
Oh in height that would be feet or foot. for example you would say. She is 6 foot 4

You can also say it is 6 feet high