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What should I say, when I forget a word?

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mahdi1 profile picture mahdi1January 2019
you should try to paraphrase your word
it's the most important skill if you wanna learn a new language
for example:
I love football
football is my favourite sport
I am a football fan
among all sport I'd rather to play football
as you can see all of those sentences have one mean
but I said my word with other ways
alecoiba profile picture alecoibaJanuary 2019
When you forget a word, simply say ¨I forgot how to say this¨ or use body language to try to express the meaning of the word you´re looking for.
  • Alberturum profile picture AlberturumJanuary 2019
    Thank you for the comment! It usually occurs when we forget something even in our native language and not making a long pause we are trying to describe an object we are talking about. I heard a lot like "What is the name of...", "What should I call it"
Miryam67 profile picture Miryam67January 2019
Iam like you .i forget some word in same situation