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Where I can use this word? " whereas" compose some sentences please.

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exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2019
1. William is a plumber, whereas his brother, Michael, is a policeman.
2. The ancient Greeks worshipped the god Zeus, whereas the ancient Romans worshipped the god Jupiter.

note: in many instances in which one might use the term "while" in statements pertaining to points of comparison and/or contrast, one can instead use the term "whereas".
3. I could have written the "example" sentences above differently, whereas I chose instead to write them as presented above.
Dashita profile picture DashitaJanuary 2019
Hello! I heard that in Youtube video and didn't find the right meaning of "To hook up with somebody". What is that, guys?
  • exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2019
    Zeeshan got it right: "to hook up", while it can mean to "meet someone" in general, has come to convey the notion of meeting another person for sexual relations. When, how, or why this happened in English I no longer recall, but I can assurethat in Ameriuca, especially in large urban/metropolitan communities (LA, Chicago, NYC, etc.), "to hook up" conveys the "sexual" conotation.