ODPOWIEDZ! - English

Głosuj teraz!Bez odpowiedzi
Hi! My name is Patryk, I'm from Poland. My fiance and I, are going to Asia... :)

Hi! I'm lookig somebody with better english than mine (B2). I,m shy, because this is my first time, when I use portal like this. 

Couple words, about me: 

My name is Patryk Szordykowski, I'm from Poland. My fiance and I, are going to Asia, and (now) we are prepering to take this chellenge. Better English is our target number 1. We are people with lot of happienes. We have our own firm in Poland. It's time for internasional business. But U know. All life I use Polish leanguage. I had lesson English in my school for 12 years - I'm still on B1/B2 Level since 2010. I'm 24 years old My fiance is 27. We can give a lesson of Polish leanguage - no problem. We can discribe Poland and Polish people for you. We need write and talk in english as often as we can. Maybe. We looking a friendly people, because we are friendly. 

It will be nice to meet you!!


NS_Elena profile picture NS_ElenaDecember 2018
Hello Patryk! I lean english and I am need more practice. I can speak with you.