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What is the meaning of "shoulda" ?

PS: Take a look at these free English educational resources: Module: Top 1000 Gift IdeasAustralia TimelineTongue twistersHow to Pronounce THE


Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7November 2018
Excellent question!

"Shoulda" is a slang contraction of "should have"

I should have washed my car today = I shoulda washed my car today.

Many words are similarly contracted in the vernacular.

Gonna = Going to

I'm gonna go to the store to pick up some groceries = I'm going to go to the store to pick up some groceries.

Wanna = want to

I wanna go out to eat tonight = I want to go out to eat tonight

Gotta = have got to

I gotta go to bed soon, I'm tired. = I've got to go to bed soon, I'm tired.

Slang contractions like this are very common in American English.

I can't say with any certainty about their popularity in British English
Hadeel_a_a profile picture Hadeel_a_aMarch 2019
it is a slang for should have
alecoiba profile picture alecoibaNovember 2018
Note: Many people in the United States say: ¨Should of¨ which is totally wrong. As Pajal7 said, the correct way is Should have.
People also use the words Coulda (Could have) and Woulda (Would have). Of course these words should be avoided in a formal (business) conversation.