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What is the meaning of "To stand someone up", how to use it ?


Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7October 2018
First, I want to clarify...

Are you asking about:

"To stand up to someone"


"to stand someone up"

These two phrases seem similar but have VERY different meanings.

To "stand up to someone" is to openly and vocally make known to someone that you disagree. A synonym would by "to confront." It has a connotation that implies the person you are standing up to is in the wrong.

For example:

"When I was a boy in school, I would always get picked on and bullied by this kid from an older class. One day, I stood up to him, and after that he left me alone."

On the other hand, to "stand someone up" implies that the "someone" needs assistance in standing. You might use this phrase to refer to helping a child or an elderly person stand.

"The first step to teaching a child to walk is to stand them up, and allow them to walk with your support."

"After my grandfather fell, it was particularly difficult to stand him up, but we did, and he seems to have recovered now."

I hope this helps!
Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7October 2018
Another use that I forgot to include in my first message for

"to stand someone up"

It can mean setting a meeting or a date, but then not showing up to it.

"We were supposed to meet for coffee this morning, but she stood me up, and I ended up drinking my cappuccino alone."

"The most embarrassing moment of my life was when my bride stood me up at the altar on my wedding day."

In both of these situations, the female counterpart did not show up, so they "stood him up."
alihall profile picture alihallNovember 2018
To stand someone up means not to go on a date or not showing up for an event.