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When can I use "other" and "another"? thanks. ^^

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Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7October 2018
Hmm. Interesting question.

The first thing to note is that "another" is singular. Another will never be plural. However, "other" can be used to describe plural objects.

"Can I have another apple?" - Here someone is asking for ONE more apple.

"Why are all the other apples green, but this one is red?" - Note that in this context, other is an adjective to a plural word: apples.

I think the best way to know when "another" can be used is to try using "one more" in place of the word. If "one more" fits, you can use another. If "one more" does not fit, you should use "other."

In the examples I used earlier...

"Can I have one more (another) apple?" - In this sentence, "one more" fits just fine, so it is okay to use "another"

"Why are all the one more (another) apples green, but this one is red?" - this sentence doesn't make any sense if you use "one more," so you should not use "another"

Finally, "other" can be singular, so how do we know when to use "other" and when to use "another?"

Once again, using "one more" is the best way to determine this mentally (at least until you get used to when to use these words).

"I can't find my other shoe!" - This is the correct phrasing.

"I can't find my one more (another) shoe!" - Since "one more" doesn't fit here, we use the word "other" instead of "another."

I hope this little rule of thumb can help you learn when to use ANOTHER instead of OTHER
Zalat profile picture ZalatOctober 2018
Any time you need.honey,????????????