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What is the difference between "cause" and "purpose"

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Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7October 2018

Good question. These words are somewhat synonymous, but are highly dependent on the context in which they are encountered.

A "cause" can refer to a cause and effect: "We have determined the cause of the dead car battery. You left your headlights on overnight."

However, a "cause" can refer to a larger philosophy or ideology: "No martyr's cause was ever stopped by his assassin's bullet."

A "purpose" is similar in meaning, but once again is also highly contextual.

"What is the purpose of this tool?"

"Oh, that is a tire iron, it is for loosening the lug nuts on tires."

However, "purpose" can also refer to a personal direction, in a more spiritual and emotional sense.

"I feel that working with disabled children is my purpose. This is why God put me on this Earth."

Look to the context to help interpret the meaning. I hope that helps! =)