100% GOOD (1 votes)RespondidasQuestão de Linguagem
Well, I don't know if my question makes sense, but I'll try anyway. The question is: How do I know if I can be considered fluent in English??

PS: Take a look at these free English educational resources: Training: Prepositions of DirectionAs if and as though; likeGive up VS AbandonMass noun


Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7September 2018
I can tell from your grammar and spelling that you are clearly proficient in English. I would say that you could probably navigate an English speaking country without much trouble.

As for fluency, I would consider a speaker fluent if they can speak a language without much thought.

How often do you pause to "search" for the word you are trying to speak? The more often you pause, the less fluent you are.

But don't worry if you do pause, as fluency is relative. Even native speakers will pause when trying to think of a word.

Just keep practicing, and you will get better, and speak with less difficulty.

Keep using great resources like PolyGlotClub for this!
SelmanLika profile picture SelmanLikaSeptember 2018
If you can converse in English without pausing or making mistakes. You are fluent.
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2018
I thinks "fluent" means level B2 according to this official rating :