أعط أجوبة - English

100% GOOD (1 votes)دون الإجابة
Anybody knows how can I see my profile like other do, please?

أعط أجوبة

Farangse profile picture FarangseJuly 2013

1. Open your profile, as for editing, in a second window or tab, or simply copy the URL to your profile, i.e. https://polyglotclub.com/member/RaquelQ in your case.

2. On the first window, click the red Logout button at the top, or paste the following URL: https://polyglotclub.com/index.php?logoff=ok.

3. Reload your profile page by hitting F5 on the second window.

That's it. 
You'll only see the Profile tab though, showing some but possibly not all of your friends. You won't see the News, Friends, Photos, Corrections, Meetings, Forum, and Questions tabs, but those should look pretty much the same to others as to you when you're logged in.
And now, if you want to raise your profile, go to the FAQ section, read it, then create a new entry, and paste your question and my answer.
Once your entry has been approved by an administrator, you can translate it into your mother tongue. Translate some more entries, and if translation team members vote at least 5 times for your translations, you'll become a VIP member.