Vastake - English

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double negation

"They weren't not in love"

Hello there!

I do not understand the raison of the double negation in this sentence (Weren't + not).
Could you explain me?

This sentence is get from the #328 Chuck Lorre's vanity card.
Thanks so lot!

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Oliver90 profile picture Oliver90August 2018

In this case, it would indicate that they could not resist being in love with one another.

Yes. In the second section, the writer said:

"Maybe what was happening was that they were in love with the idea of being in love."

Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7August 2018
Double negatives are incorrect in English, and should not be used.

It is possible that this was intentional, as a style of writing, in which case the author intended to say that "They were in love," in a unique way.

However, in everyday English you should never use a double negative.

(notice that I said you should never instead of shouldn't never, which would be a double negative)
  • Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7August 2018
    In this case, I think it is best interpreted as that while the two were not officially in love, it would be incorrect to say that they WERE NOT in love.

    Therefore, they "WEREN'T NOT" in love.

    Again, this is an incorrect way of speaking in the formal sense, but people often speak/write incorrectly in order to emphasize certain points.

    Another double negative that might be more common but is another example of this style:

    "They couldn't not be in love."

    In this case, it would indicate that they could not resist being in love with one another. Not being in love was too hard for them, so they COULD NOT achieve it.

    It makes sense from a meaning perspective, but is grammatically incorrect.

    Instead, it should be written: "They couldn't resist being in love," or in a similar fashion.
  • Oliver90 profile picture Oliver90August 2018
    I understand what you mean. The writer wanted to accentuate their feeling.
    During my English lessons, I was learn that the double negative should not to be use. It is why I was not understand this. Especially from a good writer.
    still thanks for your explain.