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What’s the Meaning of ”Aeternal ”

I reading a novel name Dragon Tailsman and I found that the tiltle is Chapter 1 – The Aeternal Imperium

and I try to search on google but i can't find the answer and I want to know the meaning of this word

Help me please T-T

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Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7August 2018
Jpesnichak's answer is correct, these are not true English words, but rather an author's creation.

I would guess that the author intended it to be interpreted similarly to "The Eternal Empire" but with a more artistic style of writing.
jpesnichak profile picture jpesnichakAugust 2018
These are not actual words in any language they are made up words that are similar to ETERNAL and IMPERIAL that reference the Imperial Court discussed in the book.
voltron profile picture voltronAugust 2018
It is a made up word. The author is trying to be fancy with the words. While not common in England english, other countries like say the USA will get creative with words. For example An American author might replace the word esthetic (American version) with Aesthetic (England version) to make their writting appear more fancy. Sometimes to make a paper appeal to a younger crowd they will invent word like Kewl (instead of cool ????) cool and kewl being as amazing.