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What is the difference between Tell and Say?


widade profile picture widadeMay 2018
The meanings of these two verbs, tell and say, are similar. The main meaning of tell is to "say or write something to someone." The main meaning of say is to "use your voice to express something in words." However, there are some clear and easy rules to follow about when to use these two words, as shown below.
  • madoui profile picture madouiMay 2018
    This is an Arabic translation for @widade's reply:
    يحمل الفعلان
    "tell" و "say"
    معنيين متشابهين. المعنى الرئيسي للفعل
    هو "قول أو كتابة شيء لشخص ما".
    أما المعنى الرئيسي للفعل
    فهو "استخدام صوتك للتعبير عما هو بداخل الكلمات".
    مع ذلك، فهناك بعض القواعد واضحة وسهلة المنال حول استخدام هاتين الكلمتين، كما هو موضح أدناه.
simoziko2014 profile picture simoziko2014May 2018
Say that again. Can you tell me a story?
cevahirimsii profile picture cevahirimsiiMay 2018
I actually don't know the difference tho.. In my language both of them means ''söylemek'' so the same thing. Please somebody explain it T-T
selinaersooy profile picture selinaersooyMay 2018