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which one correct ? up to helping or up for helping?

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CoralieN profile picture CoralieNApril 2018
It depends on the context - you can be up for helping one (if you wish to offer your help) or up to helping them (if you are able to help them).
  • VERAYULIANA profile picture VERAYULIANAApril 2018
    this is the sentence : Are you up to helping me with this chemistry assignment?
    The speaker is :
    A. Requesting help
    B. offering help
vahid_shayan profile picture vahid_shayanApril 2018
But it is better you write whole sentence.
  • VERAYULIANA profile picture VERAYULIANAApril 2018
    this is the sentence : Are you up to helping me with this chemistry assignment?
    The speaker is :
    A. Requesting help
    B. offering help
vahid_shayan profile picture vahid_shayanApril 2018
I think, up to help
ShasthriKrishnamurt profile picture ShasthriKrishnamurtApril 2018
'Up for helping' is correct.