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What is the difference between sleep and asleep, and wake and awake?


Michelle978 profile picture Michelle978March 2018
Asleep means you're actively sleeping. (adjective) "He is asleep, or he's sleeping."
awake means you're actively awake.(adjective) "the baby is awake now"
sleep is simply a noun. "I need sleep!"
wake is more of an action verb. "Wake your brother up, he's going to be late for work!"
robynb profile picture robynbMarch 2018
"Sleep" is a verb, and sometimes it's used as a noun, as in the example Michelle gave. As Michelle also explains, "asleep" is an adjective used to describe a person's state of being. "Wake" is a verb, and "awake" is the adjective. Some phrases we use are "fall asleep," "wake up," and to be "wide awake."
lakusa profile picture lakusaMarch 2018