0% GOOD (1 votes)svarade
any one can talk to me and practice english


Muadh profile picture MuadhFebruary 2018
hell ...
samah88 profile picture samah88February 2018
i speak very well english
izaa_ka profile picture izaa_kaFebruary 2018
Czesc.masz jakiś fajny sposob na nauke angielskiego?od czego powinnam zaczac?
izaa_ka profile picture izaa_kaFebruary 2018
Czy ktos moze pocwiczyc ze mna j.angielski?
izaa_ka profile picture izaa_kaFebruary 2018
Czy ktos moze pocwiczyc ze mna j.angielski?
Codeman88 profile picture Codeman88February 2018
Well if an opportunity ever presents itself and you're a fast, disciplined, and patient learner... I'd be willing to help, or in other words, offer my assistance.
izaa_ka profile picture izaa_kaFebruary 2018
Hi,I wont writ end spike in English - bat I'dont now haw I have to do this.