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the meaning of

people didn't swim so much as just cool off in it.

did the people swim more or lesser than usual?

what is the meaning?

thank for answering

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Piry profile picture PiryJanuary 2018
Son it's to say that they swim not because they want to swim, it's because the water is more cold than outside of the water. So they swim less because it isn't the main object/ reason.
Coupdessai profile picture CoupdessaiJanuary 2018
The people swam less than one would normally expect. It sounds like they were getting into a swimming pool. But there's not enough information in the sentence for me to know for sure. If, for example, they were going into a swimming pool, you could say: "people didn't swim in the pool as much as they floated just to cool off." Good luck
  • JhonAlexandr profile picture JhonAlexandrJanuary 2018
    this is the fragent-
    You know, you could drop a line in the river from the garden of my place and catch a sea bass.The tide brought them all the way up here. In summer you could jump in from jetty-people didn't swim so much as just cool off in it. That shows you how clean the Sumida river was back them.