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Can I say: ...When I will be about to do it...

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Sunny2018 profile picture Sunny2018November 2017
What is the context?
What are you going to start to do?
Will you call just BEFORE you start? : 'I'll call you when I am ready to start. / I'll call you when I am about to start.'
marco1010 profile picture marco1010June 2013
I'll call you when i will be about do do it. ( i mean instead of when i' ll start do it
variegration profile picture variegrationJune 2013
Hmm, well I think this would make a lot more sense if you gave a full sentence for the phrase. Still, I don't think this phrase would make sense. Maybe you might say "Just as I was about to do it" or "When I go do it I will.." Or something like that.
slimoxic profile picture slimoxicJune 2013
I think it's all right
Acasualdream profile picture AcasualdreamJune 2013
Can you write entire sentence out as an example of the context you want to use it in? Currently it would be framed as a question "When would be able to do it?"
shrry profile picture shrryJune 2013
Hy, what does it mean?