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Hello everyone! There is a sentence ' The car will not start and " I 've tried to give her advice but she won't listen How it will be in the meaning of prediction , in future meaning

Hello everyone!

There is a sentence ' The car will not start= it refuses to start, doesn't work. The same  " I 've tried to give her advice but she won't listen= she refuses to listen at all.  So... if i want to use this sentences in the meaning of prediction, how it will be? Like  The man who repaires the cars came and said: "Well , this car will never work or this car will not start  at all' As for next sentence ...if i want to say it in the conditional sense : ' I would give her advice  but she will not listen"  

So, there will be a difference??




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EbinGeorge11 profile picture EbinGeorge11July 2017

I have tried to give advice to her... I think this right form. I am looking for a Vehicle registration in Dubai. So please help with that.

abdou_mido profile picture abdou_midoAugust 2017
abdobiala profile picture abdobialaJuly 2017