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Zbigniew Tyszka biography


Zbigniew Tyszka born in 10 may 1933 in Kalisz in Poland and died in 4 june 2003 in Poznan. He was a a polish scientist and professor of sociology. He was interested in family sociology.


Academic career

In 1956 he graduated psychology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. At the same university he received his doctorate in sociology in 1962. His Phd thesis was - The role of court curator in the rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents.


He remained associated with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan until his death.


He recived his habilitation in 1969. His work theme was - transformations of the working family in industrialization condition. He got his degree of extraordinary professor in 1976. In 1986 he got degree of ordinary professor. In the academic year 1965/66 he spent an academic year at Columbia University in New York. He was a laureate of 6 scientific awards of the Minister of National Education and a laureate of the Scientific Prize of L. Krzywicki.

From 1959 he was employed as an assistant at the Institute of Sociology and later at the Institute of Sociology of Adam Mickiewicz University. He created the Department of Family Sociology, which he headed for over 30 years.


Scientific activity

He was recognized as one of the creators of family sociology as an academic discipline in Poland. Author of the first Polish academic textbook about family sociology. He is the founder of the methodological system of sociological family research and has synthesized the results of research on contemporary Polish families.

He published more than 280 scientific papers, including 8 author's books and 12 collective papers under his editorship. In 1989 he founded the Yearbook of Family Sociology, which he was editor until his death. 

Member of the Editorial Board of the Legal, Economic and Sociological Movement and Editorial Board of Marriage and Family and Yearbook of Family Pedagogy.

In the years 1976-1990 he was the coordinator of nationwide research: State and transformations of contemporary Polish families. This project has attracted about 200 researchers from different disciplines. He participated in international studies analyzing the state of the families in selected European countries. In the nineties he was a co-worker at Cornell University in the study of the quality of life of women in the period of political transformation.


Main areas of interest:

• methodology of family studies,

• socialization

• transforming the family in urbanization and industrialization conditions

• the influence of classes and social layers and the work structure on the forms, characteristics and dynamics of families.


The most important works

• Zbigniew Tyszka: Transformations of the working family in industrialization and urbanization. Warsaw: PWN, 1970. - Zbigniew Tyszka: Przeobrażenia rodziny robotniczej w warunkach uprzemysłowienia i urbanizacji. Warszawa: PWN, 1970.

• Zbigniew Tyszka: Family Sociology. Warsaw: 1974. - Zbigniew Tyszka: Socjologia rodziny. Warszawa: 1974.

• Zbigniew Tyszka: Methodology of sociological research on the family. Bydgoszcz: 1988. - Zbigniew Tyszka: Z metodologii badań socjologicznych nad rodziną. Bydgoszcz: 1988.

  • Zbigniew Tyszka: Methodological system of multifaceted integral analysis of family life. Poznań: 2001. - Zbigniew Tyszka: System metodologiczny wieloaspektowej integralnej analizy życia rodzinnego. Poznań: 2001.
  • Zbigniew Tyszka: Family in the modern world. Poznań: 2002. - Zbigniew Tyszka: Rodzina we współczesnym świecie. Poznań: 2002