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The method of learning a foreign language via Skype

I thought about the method of learning a foreign language via Skype, when on the one side the native speaker of one language, and on the other side the native speaker of another language. And both of these people are not professional teachers, but they want to learn a foreign language. As a result, none of them is able to competently and within the system to teach another. How can they help each other? How can they teach each other?

1. We need a systematic approach. Mutual training should take place on a regular basis.

2. Before each new session, they both need to know what the topic will be the next time they meet via Skype. There can be either a predetermined plan in advance, or at the end of each communication session it is necessary to agree a topic for the next time. In the first case, both students can choose one book (textbook or manual) for study. A book must have both. And it should be in the same language. The language should be chosen with an orientation to the one who is the best of both knows the native language of the interlocutor. In the second case, you can choose subjects more freely depending on each other's wishes. There is less systematicity, but more opportunity to study exactly what interests in the first place.

3. The way of interaction during communication. This is the most interesting. Since both are not professional teachers, it is possible to use such method:

Whenever someone starts to speak, at first he always speaks a foreign language, then he duplicates his words in his native language. Thus, if he makes mistakes in the process of making a proposal, the interlocutor can immediately correct him. On the other hand, the interlocutor immediately hears how it is necessary to correctly express this idea in a foreign language. Thus, both can communicate in the ordinary dialogue mode within the chosen topic, but each one learns to speak a foreign language, on the other hand, learns how to veraciously correctly speak a foreign language.

Consider this for an example of some fictional dialogue. Let's say, says Mary (M) - an Englishwoman and Andrei (A) a Russian.


-(М) Когда я была в парке When I was in the park, я увидела девушку с зонтом I saw a girl with an umbrella, но зонт был очень необычным but the umbrella was very unusual. Он был с головы почти до колен It was from the head almost to the knees


-(А) Yes, really strange umbrella. Да, действительно странный зонт. You should have asked her Тебе надо было у нее спросить why she had such an umbrella зачем ей такой зонт and where she got it и где она такой достала.


It is clear that in this dialogue, speaking in a foreign language, Mary and Andrew, probably would have made mistakes. Then they would correct each other.


This approach to the process of interaction through Skype allows you to learn a foreign language more effectively at the level of live communication. But it has one reservation. Native speakers should have some basic level of knowledge of a foreign language. Here you just need to find the right person. And of course to be the same yourself.


What do you think about it?