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hi, can you help me with traduccion? spanish- english

hola, soy una persona de caracter tranquilo pero muy feliz, me gusta pasear en bicicleta por la naturaleza, meditar, dibujar y escribir comics, mirar las estrellas con mi telescopio, me gusta leer mucho pues me agrada aprender cosas nuevas.quisiera conocer personas de otras culturas y que me cuenten sobre ello.

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kso89 profile picture kso89April 2017
Hi, I'm a laid-back [type of] person but very happy. I like to go for a bike rides in the country, to meditate, to draw and write comics, to look at the stars through my telescope [or, "to stargaze"]; I really like to read because I like learning new things. I'd like to get to know people from other [different] cultures and for them to [or, "to have them"] tell me about [it...? "It" what? Their cultures?].