100% GOOD (2 votes)SinagotLanguage Question
What is the difference between "good", "well" and "fine"?


Saree profile picture SareeApril 2017
Well is an adverb, and it is gramatically correct to say "I am doing well" not "I am doing good," as good is an adjective. Fine is also an adverb and can be substituted for well, although it is typically used in a more informal sense.
AnnedyG profile picture AnnedyGApril 2017
"Well" y "fine" son similares a "bien", y "good" es similar a "bueno".

Si te dijo "How are you?" y tú respondes "I am well" o "I am fine", significa "Estoy bien." Pero si respondes "I am good", significa "Soy bueno". (Muchos nativos hablantes de inglés dicen "I am good", pero no es correcto.)

"Well" y "fine" son adverbos, "good" es un adjetivo.
Por ejemplo:
She is good at sports. = Ella es buena a los deportes.
She plays sports well/fine. = Ella juega los deportes bien.

Si quieres describir la personalidad de una persona, se usa "good" o "fine".
They are good/fine people. = Son buenas personas.
("They are well people" no es un frase correcto.)

Si quieres describir cómo alguien ve, se puede usar "well", "fine", y "good".
You look well. = Te ve sano.
You look fine/good. = Te ve bien.

Es un poco confuso, yo sé. Nativos hablantes tienen problemas con "well", "fine", y "good" también.